Monday, December 1, 2008

Urla revisited


As we visited our fav restaurant Begendik Abi ('we loved it, brother' or 'we loved it, sister') to eat some very soft meatballs with rice (sweet!), we had another excuse to revisit some of the spots in Urla we like a lot, but didn´t have pictures from.

Also we wanted to show you devious pictures from the house, shot from the right angle the grass is greener than green:

still in use, but slowly people are taking these carriages to their gardens too..

Urla's older parts

The house from the back

house from the side

Urlanian, Urlaoop, Urlaman, UrlaWurlakidoki, urlawoozieboozie..ehr..

Other Cami (three very old ones can be found here)

Other sight on the older parts (before)


The area to our left

We caught this lady working the fields

This is Urla's harbour, Iskele. (ours is the 2nd boat on the right)

Ofcourse, there´s nothing as good as the real thing ;) 

So anybody feeling the urge to drop by and come over to visit will be greeted with an open door and a warm welcome from the Janse family. 

The beer is cold (the port is op ;), the BBQ's burning and the sucuk's on the table: Turkiyeye hos geldin!