Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If I were a rich man...

It is always interesting, I think, to dream about winning the lottery and what you would do with that money.. I came up with the following list. I am not so much focusing on material things I could buy though, because that would be more ore less a natural thing to do (buy). It is more about making my life easier by getting rid of time consuming activities! But read till the end, because my conclusion might be quiet surprising...

1. I don't enjoy doing groceries, so I would order it online and have it delivered to my home.
2. I don't like to shop for clothes, so I would shop for items in one time and be rid of that activity for a few months!
3. I would go much more often to a hairdresser, massage and all other 'personal care' related things. Perhaps hire a personal trainer to give me advice on nutrition and exercise.
4. I spent a lot of time now searching for good travel deals, I would delegate this work to a virtual assistant
5. I would organize the quickest and easiest way to use the internet
6. I would never go into a post office again, but use a courier like DHL.
7. I would choose the most comfortable car for myself
8. If I would not choose for an eye operation, I would treat myself on the thinnest glasses possible and vary the frames on a regular basis
9. I would hire a maid that would do all household chores
10. I would finish our house in Urla in a quick and perfect way, the heating system, garden, swimming pool etc
11. I would do more tidying up of my books, papers and stuff, more than I did so far
12. I would travel the world more often than now.
13. I would go to the Netherlands more often to spend more time with friends and family.

Last but not least no.14 : I would choose a project that gives fulfillment and satisfaction, this could be a charity project, but also starting a business, open a shop, start a private school, write a book, make documentaries, help young entrepreneurs with great ideas, sponsor poor but talented students, or be involved in an environmental project


There is actually nothing to keep me from doing all the 14 things on my list!
Now in Cairo a few things are already possible; I have a maid who cleans and does laundry/ironing, she comes 4 times a week, from 9 till 2, so my household chores are minimal; groceries can be delivered home and if coordinated well, ordered on a regular basis.

My life would not change drastically, yes I would have more free time, but one will get used to that as well. For sure I could delegate a lot to a personal or virtual assistant if I want to afford one.

More importantly: I have a 2 year old child who needs to play with other kids, so I would always be occupied with arranging that !!! (I would never hire a nanny to take over my mother role!).

Will I really be happier if I am a millionaire? Or will I lead my life less intense, because my life would pass by in a slower pace for small time consuming activities are already organized. Or will I live my life faster because I would feel I HAVE to do all kinds of things now I have the money, otherwise I would feel guilty ? I think I CAN organize my life NOW in such a way, that the time consuming, boring, activities are at least minimized. Even no. 14 is not impossible without having a lot of money.